Sunday, August 4, 2013

Daly Waters and Pine Creek



Daly Waters historic pub
John drove from Barkly Homestead to Threeways Roadhouse, where the Barkly Highway meets the Stuart Highway from the south. We booked into the roadhouse van park, cost $30 for the night, basic amenities, ok for one night.

 We moved on to Daly Waters after breakfast, we managed to get away before 8 am. One of our longer days on the road; close to 400k. Arrived at Daly Waters historic pub and had a late lunch. It’s our third visit, so we looked forward to the same routine, the barramundi meal and a show. A guy meets you at the gate after booking in and escorts you to your site on his motor bike, only power; and if water is needed, just fill the tanks with the communal hose. It was $20 per night which for a popular park is reasonable. Everyone goes for the outback experience, the place is old and hasn’t had much done to it for years. I hope it stays that way.

A drover's memorial at Newcastle Waters
As in other roadhouses etc around Australia, backpackers are hired as staff, moving from place to place to areas they want to visit. They come from all different countries.  Some are back for their second time here; they stay for months at a time then move on. They are provided with food and lodging and some pay. It would be hard to find young Australians to work in remote areas. Their travel visas can be extended by working and not just holidaying.


Boab trees in Pine Creek.
Daytime temp Saturday 3rd August 32.7c

Giant termite mound in Pine Creek.
Pine Creek is 226 klms from Darwin. The Lazy Lizard park is $25 per night, we booked in for two nights.  We found enough to do this morning. There was a small market in the nearby park, a lookout and a few historic sites to see. We had a coffee at Mayse’s Café, we had visited in 2007 on our previous trip to the Top End. It’s hot here but a cool breeze during the day, which sounds strange but this is the Top End in the Dry Season.

An old gold mine hole filled with water. From the lookout.
Baby python
Tomorrow we drive 113 klms to Adelaide River for a night, then Darwin on Tuesday for four nights.

August 4th

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